The Evil Dead series...
These are uniquely good movies. I have no way of really telling you that you will or will not like them. I do, but because I see them for what they are. Movies made by a bunch of folks that were looking to do something that they loved.
Do not watch these movies expecting to see Oscar winning effects or dialogue. They are campy, poorly lit, and very B grade... but they are fun. If you like B movies, which I do, and you want to have an enjoyable evening watching a series of these type of movies, then I strongly suggest that you hit your local rental dive, and get these movies:
Evil Dead
Evil Dead II
Army of Darkness
Bruce Campbell and Sam Rami have done well with these movies, and while they are still, unfortunately, relegated to the B status, I rank them up there with any of the George Romero stories.
Watch them... or may the possessed hand of Ashe grab you by the nads in the middle of the dark moonless night!